Tips for Breast Augmentation Recovery

October 27, 2019

Breast Augmentation surgery is the surgical procedure, which is performed to increase the size of breasts in women. If you want to get this surgery, then you must talk to a plastic surgeon. You can also get some information about breast augmentation procedure from the given topic.

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most well-known surgical procedures among women these days. If you also want to increase the size of your breast then, you must talk to a plastic surgeon. This is a type of plastic surgery which always gives you positive results. To get positive results, you need to follow the instructions of your surgeon.

Here are certain tips for better recovery of breast augmentation, you should follow.

Plan Ahead

You must plan the recovery process prior to surgery because this is necessary for a healthy recovery process. You must plan what type of foods you have to eat and exercises to be practiced after the surgery. If you are taking any type of medication, then you must stop taking it and you must discuss it with your surgeon. You only go with prescribed medications for better recovery.

Apart from this, you also need to quit smoking and stop taking other drugs too. This will help you to recover faster and maintain the results for a long time.

Get Support

It is strictly recommended by several surgeons that you must bring someone with you on the surgery day. You need a person for support and help you to go to the bathroom. Additionally, if you have children, then you must appoint someone to take care so that you can simply get proper rest.

Follow Instructions

As we stated above, you need to follow all the pre-operative and post-operative instructions of your surgeon. It includes-:

Medication-: You have to take prescribed medications in the early days after getting a breast augmentation. Pain after surgery depends on certain factors such as-:

  • The location of your incisions
  • The placement of your implants.

Don’t take tension, your surgeon will surely prescribe you certain medications to minimize the pain and discomfort too.

Compression garments-: You must wear compression garments for some days after getting surgery. These are necessary for better healing of the breasts and will help you to maintain a good posture. The gauze dressing is probably the initial form of compression you will have, also go with a sporting or surgical bra which you have to wear the entire day.

Massage-: Massage is strictly recommended after surgical procedure. You have to massage your breast every day, which will help you to settle the implants at the right place. This is also useful to reduce the risk of clots and soften the treated area. Our team member will instruct you on how to massage your breast for better recovery.

Moreover, patients who recently undergo breast augmentation along with lift surgery, do not go with a massage.

Wait for better recovery

Do not try to find shortcuts for the recovery process, because there is no shortcut for better recovery. You need to wait for some time to get back to your work such as 2 weeks.

Make sure, you must develop healthy habits including regular exercise and consume a healthy diet will help you to recover faster. You must avoid taking fast food for several weeks, it will surely delay your recovery process.